Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Poll: What kind of cards for 2010?

Vote in the new poll to let me know what you enjoy most in the type collection and I'll add more of those in the new year.

  • Newer means cards from the 1960s, 1970s, & 1980s, so "new" is a comparative term
  • Older means 1950s and before
  • Oddball means regional, one-off, and obscure issues published throughout the 20th century
UPDATE: and Whatever means I'll keep picking targets of opportunity!


Matt Runyon said...

Any kind of cards are great -- the cards you feature are usually ones that most of us don't see much of. I voted for "older" since it looked lonely without any votes. :)

Mark Aubrey said...

I voted for "Whatever" which translates into "please show a mix of cards and keep up the good work"

Matthew Glidden said...

Thanks, I've started lining up the cards!

Dinged Corners said...

We really like your 'whatever' approach, too, and don't want to mess with success.