Thursday, June 10, 2010

Type Site: Gint-A-Cuffs

Recent #5 site follower Beardy, of multiple card blog fame, is also a key part of this year's Gint-A-Cuffs card opening competition. I'm highlighting it now, since the sign-up ends on June 25, a scant two weeks from today.

So what is this thing called Gint-A-Cuffs? In one sentence, it's a way for 2010 Allen & Ginter collectors to see tons of cool cards, throw their favorite players into a scrum, and talk a little cardboard smack. Modern card folks should definitely check it out. Contest rules thus!

Lifetime O's fan Beardy is more than just a virtual bare-knuckle boxer. Here are more sites of interest!


Mark Aubrey said...

Thanks for the plug.

Matthew Glidden said...

No problem and good luck with the fisticuffs! Didn't mean to lessen your own part in it--just making a call out for Beardy. :-)

beardy said...

Thank you sir! I am a little slow, so it took me a few days to catch this post.

I meant to become a "follower" months ago, but for some reason never did.